Saturday, October 24, 2009

8th Month

I'm sorry but kinda difficult to crop! Apologize for the unshaven look LoL.
All in all looks fine! I only have issues with my molar bites. I'm not sure if I should now attempt to bite down the middle which i previously couldn't, or my usual bite focusing on my right jaw.

Thing is, my left and right jaw seems i dunno how the treatment should go. LoL!

Signing out,


Friday, October 2, 2009

7th Month -painpainpain

Hey all! Decided not to post last month's since not much changes - tissh..actually i simply forgot.
Anyway, this was for the month of september, I did my tightening on the 30th of Sept. Watch the magic...

Day 1: +1 Hour

Day 1 : night time

Day 2: morning

Day 2: Night time

Day 3: Night time - woah. and..the pain

It still hurts crazy. LoL